@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001343, author = {高林, 範子 and Takabayashi, Noriko and 小野, 光貴 and 渡辺, 富夫 and Watanabe, Tomio and 石井, 裕 and Ishii, Yutaka and Ono, Koki}, issue = {2}, journal = {人間工学, JES Ergonomics}, month = {May}, note = {著者らは,看護コミュニケーション教育を支援する目的で,仮想病室に患者と看護実習生役のアバタを実装した身体的バーチャルコミュニケーションシステムを開発し,有効性を示した.本システムは,対話者のノンバーバル情報に基づいて対話者の化身であるアバタのノンバーバル行動を生成し,仮想病室で対話者相互のアバタのインタラクションを観察しながらコミュニケーションできるシステムである.5組10人の看護学生を対象に,システムを用いたロールプレイングによるコミュニケーション実験を行い,官能評価,自由記述内容の結果,「役になりきれた」「対話しやすさ」「システムを使用したい」などの項目で肯定的に評価され,看護学生同士の対面でのロールプレイングよりも有効であることが示された.患者体験ができ,役になりきることが可能なシステムであることが確認され,本システムによる新たな看護コミュニケーション教育支援の活用可能性が示された., An embodied virtual communication system has been developed that places virtual student-nurse and patient in a virtual hospital room to support education in nursing communication. The effectiveness of this system is demonstrated here. In this system, virtual characters are controlled by the students. These characters, referred to as "avatars", act according to their controllers nonverbal behavior. Controllers can communicate remotely through the interaction of their avatars in the virtual environment. By using the developed system, a communication experiment was carried out with 10 nursing students divided into 5 pairs. The students in the pairs took turns playing the role of the patient and student-nurse. When compared with the real-life role-playing exercise, the virtual system was stated as positively evaluating attributes like "getting into character", "interaction", and "preference for the system" by the students. The comments by the students also demonstrate that the system is effective in providing the students with virtual experiences of patients and helping them get into character, which indicates the possible use of the system to support education in newer forms of nursing communication.}, pages = {84--91}, title = {看護実習生-患者役アバタを介した看護コミュニケーション教育支援システム}, volume = {50}, year = {2014} }