@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002247, author = {山本, まき恵 and Yamamoto, Makie and 森脇, あき and Moriwaki, Aki and 谷口, 敏代 and Taniguchi, Toshiyo}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE SCIENCE, OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {【目的】中堅以上の介護福祉士が講師を担うことに関連した「やりがい」の要因を明らかにする。 【方法】担当業務の独力遂行が可能な介護福祉職経験5 年以上を中堅介護福祉士とし、介護福祉現場での本務の傍ら、研修会の講師を担っている中堅以上の介護福祉士9名を対象とした。50 ~ 60分程度の半構造化面接を行い、SCAT(Step for Cording and Theorization)法を用いて分析した。 【結果】「受講生が現場で頑張る姿や成長している姿に触れると、後継者育成に貢献出来た自負がある」「講師をすることで、自分の現場での指導の質が上がり、全体のスキルアップにつながる。担当講義内容は、自身の介護福祉技術向上の機会となる」「外部講師の役割を担うことへの上司や職場などから理解ある環境がある」などの17項目の理論記述が抽出できた。 【結論】講師役割は中堅としての自負や存在価値を実感していた。上司や職場管理者の理解ある環境がやりがいにつながっていることが明らかになった。, [Purpose] This study attempted to elucidate factors related to worthwhileness among professional care givers ranked mid-level and above who experienced being an instructor. [Method] The present study examined nine certified care workers ranked mid-level and above who teach training workshops in addition to their regular job at care facilities. Mid-level was defined as persons with five years or more of work experience who are capable of discharging their duties independently. Semi-structured interviews lasting about 50 to 60 minutes were analyzed using the Steps for Coding and Theorization method. [Results] Analysis produced a total of 17 theoretical description including the following items: "I feel proud of my ability to contribute to the development of successors when I see my students working hard and growing in the workplace;" "being an instructor enhances the quality of my supervision of my workplace and my overall skills, and the contents of my lectures provide an impetus for improving my own care techniques;" and "my superiors and workplace express understanding toward my role as an instructor or a visiting lecturer." [Conclusion] Through their experiences as instructors, participants realized a sense of pride and meaningfulness as a certified care worker ranked mid-level and above. Furthermore, an association was observed between worthwhileness and understanding among superiors and managers at workplaces., P(論文)}, pages = {117--124}, title = {中堅以上の介護福祉士の講師体験におけるやりがいの構造}, volume = {24}, year = {2018} }