@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002326, author = {犬飼, 智子 and Inukai, Tomoko and 名越, 恵美 and Nagoshi, Megumi and 近藤, なつき and Kondo, Natuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {岡山県立大学教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Higher Education and Liberal Arts and Sciences Research,Okayama Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {【目的】本研究では、SBARを用いたシミュレーション演習後、学生の臨地実習におけるSBARの活用状況について明らかにし、今後の課題を検討する。【方法】1.研究協力者:平成29年度の該当の演習を受講後に、臨地実習を3領域以上終えた看護学科3年生35名。学生のレディネスは、SBARおよびシナリオの疾患・看護について既習である。2.演習の概要:胃がんの術後3日目のシナリオとし、学生はシミュレータを用いて情報収集を行い、結果を看護師にSBARを用いて報告する。3.データ収集方法:SBARの使用等について問う無記名自記式質問紙を配布し回収した。4.分析方法:項目ごとに単純集計、自由記述については質的分析を行った。【結果】臨地実習におけるSBARの使用は、いつも意識した3%、時々意識した34%、あまり意識していない40%、全く意識していない23%であった。SBARを使用した学生は全員が役に立った回答し、<報告のしやすさ><提案によるケアについての意見交換>等を経験していた。報告についての困難さは、<報告のタイミングがとれない><アセスメントが不十分でタイムリーにできない>等の内容であった。, [Objective] The present study,involving nursing students who had undergone SBAR-based simulation training,aimed to examine the status of their use of the SBAR technique in clinical training and discuss future challenges for them. [Methods] 1. The subjects were 35 third-year students of the Department of Nursing who had completed clinical training in three or more fields after undergoing simulation training. As for readiness, students were required to have learned the SBAR technique and diseases/nursing care in the scenarios. 2. Outline of simulation training: Training involving a scenario of patients three days after gastric cancer surgery and simulators. Students collected information,and submitted reports of the results to nurses using the SBAR technique. 3. Method for data collection: An anonymous self-completed questionnaire form was distributed to each student to ask them about SBAR and it was collected later. 4. Analysis methods: Simple tabulation was conducted for each item,and a qualitative analysis of descriptions was also conducted. [Results] The rate of nursing students who had always been aware of the use of the SBAR technique during clinical training was 3% ; the rates of those who had: sometimes, rarely, and not been aware of it were 34,40,and 23%,respectively. All students who had used SBAR stated that it was useful because: it was ; they were able to ,and for other reasons. Nursing students who had experienced difficulty submitting reports cited the following as reasons: ; and ., P(論文)}, pages = {6-1--6-9}, title = {シミュレーション演習後の臨地実習におけるSBARの活用状況}, volume = {3}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ナゴシ, メグミ} }