@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002352, author = {小藪, 智子 and Koyabu, Tomoko and 井上, かおり and Inoue, Kaori and 上野, 瑞子 and Ueno, Mizuko and 竹田, 恵子 and Takeda, Keiko and 森永, 裕美子 and Morinaga, Yumiko and 實金, 栄 and Mikane, Sakae}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE SCIENCE, OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {訪問看護師の倫理的問題に関連するストレス認知を測定する尺度を開発し、その構成概念妥当性と信頼性を検討することを目的に、訪問看護師を対象に自記式質問紙調査を行った。分析対象は182名であった。訪問看護師の倫理的問題に関連するストレス認知はJametonの倫理的問題の分類を基に5因子を準備し、二次因子モデルからなる尺度を開発した。分析では、このモデルのデータへの適合性を確認的因子分析で検討した。この結果、CFI=0.938、RMSEA=0.062であり、適合度指標は統計学許容水準を満たした。またCronbach's α信頼性係数は0.874であった。したがって訪問看護師の倫理的問題に対するストレス認知を測定する尺度の、構成概念妥当性と信頼性が確認できた。, The purpose of this study is to develop scale to measure stress recognition related to ethical problems among visiting nurses and examined for construct validity and reliability. The authors performed a self-completion questionnaire survey for visit nurses. Analysis subjects are 182. "Stress recognition in ethical problems" was structured in reference to Jameton's classification of the ethical problems (1984). For the analysis, "dilemma", "unclarity", "constraint by workplace environment", "constraint by involved parties" and "constraint by system and policy" were assumed for primary factors, a five-factor secondary factor model based on "Stress in ethical problems" was assumed and this model's compatibility for data was examined by confirmatory factor analysis. The result revealed that CFI=0.938 and RMSEA=0.062, indicating that the model was compatible with data. The coefficient of reliability (Cronbach α ) was 0.874. Therefore, the authors have confirmed construct validity and reliability of the scale to measure stress in ethical problems among visiting nurses., P(論文)}, pages = {31--38}, title = {訪問看護師の倫理的問題に関連するストレス認知尺度の妥当性と信頼性}, volume = {26}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ミカネ, サカエ} }