@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000533, author = {原田, さゆり and Harada, Sayuri and 富田, 早苗 and Tomita, Sanae and 山下, 亜矢子 and Yamasita, Ayako and 岡崎, 愉加 and Okazaki, Yuka and 荻, あや子 and Ogi, Ayako and 杉村, 寛子 and Sugimura, Hiroko and 山口, 三重子 and Yamaguchi, Mieko}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Okayama Prefectural University}, month = {}, note = {本研究は、看護基礎教育卒業後の看護教育評価によりと学部教育の課題を明確にすること、大学院教育をはじめとする高度看護専門職教育のニーズ把握することを目的に調査を行った。調査対象者は本学科の卒業生および30歳以下の臨床看護師で、調査内容は最終学歴、看護実践力の自己評価、キャリアアップの希望とその条件等である。調査方法は無記名自記式質問紙を郵送にて配布・回収した。看護基礎教育で学んだ看護技術が役立ったと回答した割合は、専門および短大教育群と大学卒群を比較して専門・短大卒軍が有意に高かった(p<0.05)。高度看護専門職志向は両群ともに高く、中でも修士課程への進学希望は大学卒群に多い傾向にあった。免許・資格取得希望は学歴を高めるより臨床に直結した認定看護等の資格取得希望が多く、就業年数で経済的サポートを希望する割合が多い傾向にあった。, The purpose of the present research was to conduct an evaluation of the basic nursing education for nurses post-graduation to clarify educational issues and to determine their inclination to advance their nursing skills. The subjects included were either graduates of the authors' university or the nurses who were under 30 years of age and working in clinical settings. The questionnaire included the graduates' educational background, opinions of their own nursing practice, professional advancement, prerequisites for professional advancement, etc. The questionnaires were sent by mail to the graduates, and the forms were returned anonymously.The returned questionnaires were evaluated, and the results showed that the basic techniques they obtained as students were considered useful. But, when compared with a group of vocational school graduates and junior college graduates, the university graduates showed only a small significant difference (p<0.05). The tendency to want to advance their profession was high in both groups, and the number of university graduates who hoped to go on for a master's degree was significantly large. More than obtaining advanced licenses and qualifications. many respondents preferred to gain cerfications directly related to their clinical activities. This result was more significant in nurses who worked more than four years than nurses who had worked less than four years (p<0.05). Many of the respondents also stated that financial support is necessary to achieve professional advancement.}, pages = {107--115}, title = {看護基礎教育卒業後の看護教育評価と高度看護専門職意識に関する調査}, volume = {19}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ハラダ, サユリ and トミタ, サナエ and ヤマシタ, アヤコ and オカザキ, ユカ and オギ, アヤコ and スギムラ, ヒロコ and ヤマグチ, ミエコ} }