@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000660, author = {荻, あや子 and Ogi, Ayako and 肥後, すみ子 and Higo, Sumiko and 奥山, 真由美 and Okuyama, Mayumi and 村上, 生美 and Murakami, Ikumi}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science,Okayama Prefectural University}, month = {}, note = {本研究の目的は、早期の基礎看護学実習における看護技術の経験状況と到達度を明らかにすることである。1年次生126名を対象に5領域29項目について質問紙調査を実施した。看護技術で60%以上経験できた項目は「病床環境」「食事に関する情報収集」など6項目、60%以上未経験の項目は16項目で日常生活行動を整える看護技術を経験する機会が少ない学生が多いことが明らかになった。80%以上が未経験の項目は「尿器介助」「便器解除」「P-トイレ介助」などで、学生は排泄の援助を必要とする患者を受け持つ機会が少なくなっていた。看護技術の到達度では24項目中9項目が基準値に到達しておらず、早期実習では「臨床患者のシーツ交換」「陰部洗浄」「洗髪」が難易度の高い技術であることが推察できた。また「体位変換」などは自己評価にばらつきが認められ、学生は学内で学んだ技術を初めて患者に適用するため自信がもてないことや、患者や看護師の影響を受けやすいことも背景にあることが伺えた。学生の経験項目や到達度は変化する医療現場の状況、学生のレディネスを反映していることが確認できた。今後、学内における教育内容や方法、基礎的な看護実践能力、指導者との連携について再検討していく必要性が示唆された。, The aim of this study is to describe what skills students are earlier exposed to in practical training and their levels of achievement. The questionnaire survey, which addresses 29 skills covering 5 areas, was implemented for 126 freshmen in the university. The results are as follows: the six skills, such as 'enviromental care' or 'collction of information about meals', ets., reached up to over 60 percent of achievement level. Over 60 persent of the students answered they did not practice 16 skills at all, which shows many students did not have enuogh training to help the patients to do everyday activities. Over 80 percent did not have any chances to help patients to use a urinal or a portable toilet, or defecate; and only a small number of the students had opportunity of learning how to help the patients to excrete. For 9 out of 24 skills, the students did not meet the reauired standard, which finds that it is quite difficult to learn these skills earlier in the practical training: 'changing sheets for a patient while lying in bed', 'perinea care' and 'shampooing the hair'. For self-evaluation of changing in body position, the answers varied widely. Probably the students felt uneasy about using skills practically which were learned in class; and they tend to be easily influenced by patients or nurses. Findings by this survey are what basic skills the students practiced in the training and to which levels they could improve their skills, which reflect the changing clinical settings and the readiness of students. Further discussion is needed on the issues of in-class practices, basic practical skills of nursing and working in closer connection with an advisor-nurse.}, pages = {83--92}, title = {早期の基礎看護学実習における看護技術の到達状況}, volume = {15}, year = {2008}, yomi = {オギ, アヤコ and ヒゴ, スミコ and オクヤマ, マユミ and ムラカミ, イクミ} }