@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000684, author = {二宮, 一枝 and Ninomiya, Kazue and 難波, 峰子 and Nanba, Mineko}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science,Okayama Prefectural University}, month = {}, note = {産業保健婦は、事業所の医局・診療所での治療の一翼の担う工場看護婦から脱却し、予防・指導(教育)を行う保健婦として発展してきた。背景には保健婦制度創設に至る戦時体制下の人口政策確立要網に謳われた国家の課題があった。保健所や市町村国民健康保険組合に保健婦設置が明記されたのに対して、産業保健婦は経営主の理解に依った。指定規則では「産業衛生大意」10時間で実習の規定はなく、保健婦検定試験においては「学校衛生大意」「環境衛生大意」の3科目から1〜2問の出題であった。以上から、保健婦活動の基本としての保健所・市町村保健婦活動に対する産業保健婦活動の特殊性という構図を指摘できる。岡山県初の産業保健婦は「一工場または近接せる数工場という特殊な活動基点」を中心に小学校・地域と一体的な活動を行った。地元町保健婦・養護訓導の未充足と、「生活指導を基にした保健指導」を本旨とする教育実習も影響していると考えられる。, Occupational Health Nursing was developed during a national population growth project during the war. There was a shift from factory nursing in clinics, at businesses or factories, to Public Health nursing providing prevention and health education. The Occupational Health Nurse was dependent on the manager at the place of business for installation, while Public Health Nurses in the health center and under the municipal health insurance association was decided by law. Occupational Health nursing (10 hours, no practice) was included in the curriculum for public health nursing and the state examination for public health nurse certification included just 1 or 2 questions on each of the three subjects: occupational health nursing, school health nursing and environmental hygiene. Therefore, occupational health nursing was considered part of public health nursing. The first occupational health nurses in Okayama Prefecture were based at factories, elementary schools and in the community. Perhaps this situation resulted from understaffing and health education based on life guidance.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {岡山県における産業保健婦の誕生-戦時下の保健婦教育と活動-}, volume = {13}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ニノミヤ, カズエ and ナンバ, ミネコ} }