@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000715, author = {肥後, すみ子 and 奥山, 真由美 and 太湯, 好子}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science,Okayama Prefectural University}, month = {}, note = {本研究はコミュニケーション学習の教育技法としてSimulated Patient(模擬患者:以下SPと記す)を導人した演習を通して、看護師(以下Nsと記す)体験者とNs体験をしない者による学習効果と教育技法の評価を明らかにする目的で実施した。対象は看護学科1年次生で、演習を8時間実施した後に教育技法に関する評価、SP評価、学習効果を調査した。  研究はNs役を体験した者をNs体験あり群に、Ns体験しなかった者をNs体験なし群に分類し、以下の結論 を得た。教育技法およびSPに関しては、両群とも非常に高い評価を示したが、学習効果においてはNs体験あ り群とNs体験なし群に差異が生じていた。今後の牒題として会話の少ない患者や沈黙に対する対処方法、シ ナリオ作成上の工夫、全員がNsを体験できるような演習プログラムの必要性、適切な会場環境の準備が示唆 された。, use of simulated patients (sim'patients)allows nursing students to practice communication. The purposeof this study was to explore the introduction of non-patients into a nursing communication training course as a teaching technique by examining the effect on learning and students, evaluation of the sessions held during a regular class. Forty-four first-year nursing students who participated in four 90-minute sessions were asked to evaluate the style of training. They were divided into two groups, sim-patient and non-sim-patient.Although both groups evaluated the sessions and use of simpatients highly, there was a difference between the groups in their perceived effects on learning. The students in the simpatient group expressed bewilderment about how to communicate with a sim-patient and with their dealing with taciturnity.ln order to improve theuseof sim'patients in communication training,the results suggest writing scenarios mimicking real life situations,developing a sim-patient program in which all students can experience caring for a simpatient,and setting up a realistic“sickroom" unlike a regular classroom., P(論文)}, pages = {33--43}, title = {SP導入によるコミュニケーション演習に基づく学習効果と教育技法の評価}, volume = {12}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ヒゴ, スミコ and オクヤマ, マユミ and フトユ, ヨシコ} }