@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000884, author = {岡山, 加奈 and 荻, あや子 and 高林, 範子 and 山口, 三重子 and 荻野, 哲也 and Ogino, Tetsuya}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE SCIENCE, OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {近年、教育評価の領域において「ルーブリック」が重要視されている。本研究では、基礎看護学実習における不明瞭な学修課題を抽出し、この課題を適切に評価するためにルーブリックを用いた評価表を試作することを目的とした。対象は、A 大学に在籍する看護学生42 名とし、1、2 年次に行う基礎看護学実習終了後に既存の評価表を用い、2 回の調査を同一学生で実施した。「患者の理解」、「患者の生活援助の実施」、「日々の記録等を通して看護観を表現することができる」の3 項目は、2 年次の得点が1 年次のものより低下するという結果となった。この3 項目は、既存の評価表により適切に自己評価することは困難である可能性があるため、ルーブリックを用いた基礎看護学実習評価表の評価観点とし、学生の学修意欲も評価できる評価表を提案した。また、本研究により抽出された学修課題に対する実習内容や指導方法を見直す必要があると示唆された。, Recently, the rubric has been introduced increasingly in the educational evaluation field. In this study we examined whether the existing evaluation forms for the basic nursing practicum can reliably assess student achievement at multiple times, and selected learning goals that are not adequately evaluated with the current forms. We also proposed a rubric-based evaluation form that will possibly solve this problem. Participants were 42 nursing students registered at University A. Using the existing evaluation forms, all students were requested to self-evaluate their achievement just after the basic nursing practicum part I in their first year in November 20XX, and also after the basic nursing practicum part II in their second year in October 20XX+1. Evaluation forms were obtained from 41 students and the valid response rate was 97.6%. Three of seven items in the existing evaluation forms I and II showed lower scores in the second year. They were “Understanding patients,” “Implementing everyday patient life support” and “Can express the nursing viewpoint through a daily record, group work, summary meetings, and reports.” Thus, it may be difficult for students in their first and second years to adequately evaluate these 3 items at different times using the existing evaluation forms. Therefore we selected these 3 items and constructed a rubric-based evaluation form that possibly enables students to assess these items adequately. Further investigations are needed to test and improve the rubric-based evaluation form that allows students to selfevaluate their learning achievements. The form may also encourage students to notice what need to be done further. Reconsideration of the contents of clinical training and the teaching system also appears to be necessary., P(論文)}, pages = {9--16}, title = {既存の基礎看護学実習評価表の課題とルーブリックを用いた 評価表の提案}, volume = {21}, year = {2015}, yomi = {オギノ, テツヤ} }