@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000886, author = {川村, 友紀 and 實金, 栄 and Mikane, Sakae and 山口, 三重子 and 中嶋, 和夫 and Nakajima, Kazuo}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE SCIENCE, OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は、看護職者を対象に職場ハラスメント被害をストレス認知の側面から把握する測定尺度の開発を目的とした。A 県の医療福祉施設の看護職者450 名を対象に、質問紙調査を実施した。調査項目は従来の研究を参考に42 項目を準備した。統計解析では予め仮定した高次(二次)因子モデルのデータへの適合性は確認的因子分析で検討するが、前記データへの適合性が統計学的な許容範囲にない場合、相関係数が0.8 以上のうちのいずれの項目を任意に削除し、次に残った全項目におけるCITC の値が0.4 以下の項目を削除した上で、因子モデルのデータへの適合性を再検討するものとした。結果として、業務の遂行上でなされる「仕事関連ハラスメント」11 項目とそれ以外でなされる「個人関連ハラスメント」9 項目で構成された本尺度の因子モデルの側面からみた構成概念妥当性ならびに信頼性が統計学的に支持された。本研究結果から、看護職者の職場におけるハラスメント被害の予防策の検討にとって有意義な基礎資料となることが示唆された。, The purpose of this research was to develop a workplace harassment abuse scale for nurses to understand and evaluate their stress. We conducted a questionnaire survey on 450 nurses in hospitals and welfare facilities in Prefecture A, Japan. A 42-item survey generated from a review of the available literature was administered. A hypothetical higher-order factor analysis model for statistical analysis was constructed to assess goodness of fit, and a confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the validity. The items in the above-mentioned model that were not statistically significant in the goodness of fit assessment were deleted. Next the remaining items with correlation coefficients above 0.8 were deleted, and finally, items with less than a CITC of 0.4 were deleted. The remaining items determined to be included in the goodness of fit assessment were reevaluated. Consequently, 20 items remained, and a survey was developed with items that were validated for the goodness of fit through the confirmatory factor analysis. The validity and reliability of this “an appraisal scale of workplace harassment abuse for nurses” included 11 items for workplace harassment and 9 items for other than workplace, personal harassment were found to be statistically significant. These findings suggested that using this harassment scale maybe useful for evaluating the development of a support system for nurses., P(論文)}, pages = {25--33}, title = {看護職者の職場ハラスメント被害に関する測定尺度の開発}, volume = {21}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ミカネ, サカエ and ナカジマ, カズオ} }