@article{oai:oka-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000887, author = {佐藤, 成美 and 山内, さつき and 高林, 範子 and 石井, 裕}, journal = {岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要, BULLETIN OF FACULTY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE SCIENCE, OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は、マスク着用による音声への影響と話し手の音声の特徴が聞き手の聞き易さにどう影響しているかを、音声分析により明らかにすることである。音声実験では、被験者6 名に日常生活会話と同程度に話す「標準音声」、大きく・はっきり・ゆっくりと、を意識して話す「明確音声」をマスク非着用時と着用時で録音した。次に聴取実験では、別の被験者10 名に録音した音声を聞かせ、どちらが聞き易いか【声の大きさ・声の高さ・話す速度・間隔・アクセント】を基準に評価させた。その結果、マスク着用時の「標準音声」と「明確音声」の声の大きさには、有意な差は認められなかった。これは、マスク着用により発声が妨げられたことによるものと考えられた。また、聞き易い音声とは声の大きさだけではなく、抑揚をつけ話す速度も遅くすることが聞き易い音声にとって必要な項目であり、マスク着用時の円滑なコミュニケーションに繋がるという示唆が得られた。, This study was made to reveal the impact on voice while wearing a medical mask and how it will effect on the listenability for the listener by the characteristics of the voice from the speaker. In voice test, “standard voice” which was at the same extent as daily conversation level, and “articulate voice” which consciously vocalized to be more loudly, clearly and slowly, made by six research participants while wearing a medical mask and unmasked had been recorded. At the next hearing test, the other ten participants had heard two types of recoded voices, and evaluated which one was comparatively listenable based on “volume of voice, tone of voice, pace of speech, interval and an accent.” The result shows that there was no significant difference at the volume of voice between “standard voice” and “articulate voice” while wearing a medical mask. It is conceivable that the speech had been obstructed because of wearing a medical mask. It is also suggested that not only the volume of voice but also the action of intonating words and speak more slowly, were the essential elements for the listenability, and they could lead to smoother communication while wearing a medical mask., P(論文)}, pages = {45--55}, title = {音声分析によるマスク着用時のコミュニケーション方法についての検討}, volume = {21}, year = {2015} }